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Data processing in a sentence

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Sentence count:195+1Posted:2017-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: processingword processingparallel processingcentral processing unitprocessionprocessionalprocessin processMeaning: n. (computer science) a series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify information. 
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(151) Practical application reveals that in logging curve processing system employing the distributed algorithm can greatly save data processing time, improve the data processing capacity of the system.
(152) MCAI course can be applied to classroom teaching, self-culture, tutorship, review, summarizing, unit examination and teaching data processing in the university science teaching.
(153) Photoelectric displacement sensor consists of laser generator, projective screen, photoelectric detector, processing circuit, data acquisition and data processing etc.
(154) The method that realizes data communication between hand sclerometer and computer with VB are introduced. Further data processing will be done.
(155) Mass data processing and variety of memory medium is existed in the embedded system.
(156) The thermal imaging means, the infrared thermometer and the mechanical scanning mechanism are connected to the image and data processing system respectively.
(157) A layered structure for the open system architecture had been illustrated. It could adopt various data processing and recognition algorithms, which advantaged the design and trial processes of RTRS.
(158) It is made up of data acquisitioning module, data transmitting module and data processing module.
(159) Retrieving from computer storage or registering that which was read into a data processing machine.
(160) Simulation result indicated that this algorithm has the characteristics of high precision, strong anti-interference capability, simple hardware composition and small data processing expense.
(161) In order to filter the noisiness in the observed data, a new data processing method, so called the optimal regularization smoothing procedure(, is provided in this paper.
(162) A shortened term for automatic data processing; taken from data and automation.
(163) A data processing method used for engine dynamometry by acceleration is proposed.
(164) With the use of this application frame, we are able to achieve parallel data processing on workstation cluster or massively parallel computer, without any revis...
(165) Plans and directs studies of potential electronic data processing applications.
(166) This paper describes the design and application of the satellite telemetry data processing terminal software.
(167) Written procedures may be filed and distributed by automated data processing equipment.
(168) The uncertainty evaluation and data processing methods for the CCPR key comparisons of luminous intensity and luminous flux unit are introduced.
(169) On the basis of improved the testing principle, a specialized and automatic data processing peeling strength tester has been developed by using single -chip computer technology.
(170) The background example introduced is the state Fixed Capital Investment Annual Report Data Processing System for which the scheme and technology we implemented.
(171) Data warehousing and On-Line Analytical Processing OLAP are two of the most significant new technologies in the business data processing area.
(172) Data processing equipment available for use by the executive system of a computer.
(173) Low field NMR core analysis methodology, including measurement principle, data processing and experimental procedure, is introduced in this paper.
(174) This paper introduces a method for parking character survey and data processing. A feasible approach is proposed for revising iffy data in an analysis of these problem data.
(175) The algorithm uses a self-adaptive quadtree structure to determine the visible area of the terrain mesh to reduce data processing during rendering.
(176) The system was composed of three modules such as data management, data processing and generation of visual result display.
(177) The advantages of this technique are full field, both static and dynamic measurements, automatic data processing.
(178) With the development of microelectronics, using DSP chip in geophysical exploration instruments to improve the efficiency of real-time data processing is a significant research subject.
(179) This paper presents the principle and data processing method for L-band ESR imaging reconstruction.
(180) Software components include three modules which are serial communication module, data processing module, data display module.
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